Doug Johnston is a published author of articles and publications on numerous domestic
finance and international economics topics.
Johnston, Doug, Author (April 2016), Negative Interest Rates and the New Banking Frontier – Will destination zero-bound buoy markets and kick-start economic growth?
Advisor Magazine, Vol 20 No. 9,

Johnston, Doug, Author (March 5, 2015), Are We Nearing a Global Turning Point?
Thomson Reuters Legal News,
Johnston, Doug, (January 9, 2013), He Who Has the Gold makes the Rules – But Not Yet
*Kitco Commentaries,
Johnston, Doug, (July 18, 2012), Did Bernanke Give Us a Roadmap in 2002?
*Kitco Commentaries,
Johnston, Doug, (June 4, 2009), The Buck Stops Here
*Kitco Commentaries,
Johnston, Doug, (April 22, 2009), A Brief Look at Bernanke, Inflation, Deflation & Gold
*Kitco Commentaries,
Johnston, Doug, (May 16, 2008), A Global Monetary Recap – 1944 to 2008
*Kitco Commentaries,
* Considered to be the leading precious metals reference, Kitco’s website ( is visited daily by close to a million people around the world. Kitco has earned a solid reputation for itself as a leading innovator in the industry, being the first precious metals company to carry out its activities online and to create real-time market information, news, analysis and applications for smart phones.