Our analysis starts with an expert review of your recent and historical Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Statement of Changes in Financial Position data. These are fundamental to how a lender or investor will view your company profile and its current projects.
By adding a comparative analysis of other similar companies and industries, your company’s prospects and its financial needs and operational goals often become even more clear.

Forensic Finance & Advisory for Over 20 Years
At Five Management, we have been providing forensic finance and advisory for over 20 years. We have analyzed the financial statements and other background data of hundreds of companies in the technology, service, real estate, manufacturing, and entertainment sectors. By utilizing historical facts and comparisons, along with our decades of experience on direct behalf of lenders, borrowers, managers, owners and investors, we can help translate the past and present into detailed next steps.
Since 1995, we have raised over $2 Billion in institutional bank debt and private debt, plus over $500 Million in equity, in scores of transactions across the US and Europe. We have guided and advised scores of companies in financial and management decision-making and implementation.